Category Archives: Medicare Fraud
Increased Scrutiny via HEAT, ZPICs, and Look for More from Fiscal Intermediary
While the cuts for Medicare home health from the Affordable Care Act have gotten most of our attention over the past months, increased scrutiny by the Federal Government is a much greater immediate threat to home health providers that focus on Medicare patients. Continue reading
Miami Patient Recruiter Found Guilty of Medicare Fraud
More Reports of ZPIC Activity in Louisiana
In case you weren’t already aware of this, using a ‘recruiter’ to find Medicare patients for a home health agency is fraud, both on the part of the recruiter and the agency. The story below goes into detail regarding a Miami man who was convicted. You can also read about five nurses who were convicted of fraud for falsifying records to defraud Medicare. These activities continue to be aggressively pursued by the US Attorney’s Office and their Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT). You can hear about their efforts, and more from US Attorney Corey Amundsen at HCLA’s Fall Leadership Summit. Continue reading
Healthcare Fraud Alert – Medical Discount Plans
The following information from the Federal Trade Commission has
been received by LOUISIANA Senior Medicare Patrol. The Louisiana
Attorney General and the US Department of Health and Human Services
want you to protect yourself from possible Medicare fraud. Continue reading