Home Health Colleagues,
Next week’s HCLA annual conference in Baton Rouge cuts through the clutter and gets to the important issues that impact your agency’s financial well being. Your future as a provider of care at home is dependent on your agency’s ability to produce results. Preventing hospitalizations, and having the data to prove it, will make your company indispensable to physicians, hospitals, and most importantly to the patients we serve. Fazzi Associates will offer two presentations at our HCLA Annual Conference next week. The first focuses on health reform, new models, and how your agency fits into the new era for healthcare. The second presentation focuses on the critical ability to have your interdisciplinary teams performing and producing results around chronic care management.
Warren Hebert, RN, BSN, CAE
RWJF Executive Nurse Fellow ’06-’09
Chief Executive Officer
Defining Your Future Health Reform, Reducing Hospitalization and a New Leadership Based Model
Tim Ashe RN, MS, MBA
It emerged from the largest study in the history of home care on reducing avoidable hospitalization. It was strongly reinforced in the five major initiatives that have come from health care reform. And, it represents a new, more dynamic, more outcome oriented and more contemporary management focused means for service delivery. “Defining Your Future” is a dynamic presentation that will present the results of the Delta National Best Practice for Reducing Hospitalization Study and clearly show how hospitalization reduction strategies will serve as the single best means for positioning your agency for the future. Better yet, the presentation will present the new leadership model for service deliver – SafeSide – that incorporates findings from interviews with nearly 800 executives in the Delta Study, extensive research on best practices in home care, insights from Fazzi’s national benchmark and operational programs and from some of the most relevant and industry proven contemporary management practices.
Interdisciplinary Disease Management: Moving from Concept to Reality
Cindy Krafft PT, MS, COC-S and Tim Ashe RN, MS, MBA
Delivering care using a team approach has long been a strategy discussed in many home health agencies but a challenge to implement. What sounds good on paper can be quite different to integrate into daily practice. This session will provide real life examples of effective implementation of patient driven care management utilizing the strengths of the interdisciplinary team.
Click here to register for the event
The annual conference is going to be in Baton Rouge, LA at the Belle of Baton Rouge Casino & Hotel on 103 France Street. It will start on Wednesday, November 2nd and end on Thursday, November 3rd. The link below is for the complete descriptions of our sessions & speakers.